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В чем разница между керамической изоляционной ватой и одеялом из минеральной ваты?

Ceramic insulation wool and rock wool both have the characteristics of high-temperature resistance, а также может использоваться в монокристаллических печах, металлургическое литье, крекинг нефти, and ablation-resistant and high-temperature resistant insulation materials; sound-absorbing materials and insulation materials for buildings and equipment; so what is the difference between the two?

ceramic insulation wool and rock wool blanket
ceramic insulation wool and rock wool blanket

The difference between ceramic insulation wool and rock wool blanket

Различные производственные процессы

ceramic insulation wool
ceramic insulation wool

Ceramic fiber loose wool is made by melting high-purity clay clinker, alumina powder, кремнеземный порошок, chrome sand, and other raw materials at high temperatures in an industrial electric furnace to form a fluid. Then it is blown by compressed air or spun by a spinning machine into fibers, and then collected by a cotton collector to form ceramic fiber wool. The fiber cotton can be further processed into fiber blankets, boards, paper, cloth, ropes, and other products. Ceramic fiber is a highly efficient thermal insulation material with lightweight, Высокая сила, стойкость к окислению, низкая теплопроводность, good softness, устойчивость к коррозии, small heat capacity, and sound insulation.

Rock wool is an inorganic fiber made from natural rocks such as basalt, gabbro, dolomite, iron ore, bauxite, и т. д., through high-temperature melting and fiberization. The fiber can be processed into various products such as boards, tubes, felts, belts, и т. д., which can be used for insulation, fire prevention, звукопоглощение, сейсмостойкость, и т. д.. of buildings and industrial equipment, pipelines, kilns, и т. д.. Rock wool board, rock wool tube, rock wool felt.

The difference in performance

Ceramic fiber wool has advantages in long service life and high fiber toughness. Ceramic fiber wool has lower thermal conductivity. Кроме того, the highest operating temperature of ceramic fiber wool is above 1000 степени. Commonly used types are 1050 и 1230, while the highest operating temperature of rock wool is about 600 степени.

rock wool blanket
rock wool blanket

Difference in usage

Ceramic insulation wool can be used for low-temperature insulation at 200 степени, medium-temperature insulation at 500 степени, and fireproof insulation at 1000 степени. Rock wool is generally used for insulation at around 500 degrees and mostly for insulation of thermal pipes or power equipment.



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