Acid-proof bricks are divided into acid-resistant standard bricks and acid-resistant ceramic tiles. These two types of кислотоупорный кирпич have certain differences in material composition, firing process, and acid-resistant performance. Поэтому, the selection and application need to be based on the specific working environment and medium characteristics. to make reasonable choices.

Common sizes of acid-resistant bricks
Common dimensions of acid-resistant standard bricks
Common sizes of acid-resistant tile panels
Requirements for selecting acid-resistant bricks
There should be no cracks or defects on the surface of the acid-resistant bricks, and there should be no oil or water stains on the surface.
Acid-resistant brick pasting material instructions
- Silica cement. The ambient temperature for silica cement construction should be 10-30°C, and the relative humidity should be greater than 80%. If the construction environment is lower than 10°C, heating and insulation measures can be taken.
- After construction, curing in the air for 10-20 дни. When the material is acidic, the pickling method can be used for secondary curing.
- If the silica cement coagulates or agglomerates, it cannot be used further.
- During construction and maintenance, the moisture content within 20cm depth should not be greater than 6%, and contact with water or water vapor is strictly prohibited.
Characteristics of acid-proof bricks

- Низкое водопоглощение. Водопоглощение керамической плитки относительно низкое., and the interior is not easily penetrated by liquids. Поэтому, it can prevent corrosion by alkaline substances of various concentrations at room temperature.
- Strong acid and alkali resistance. Его сырьем является кремнезем., который обладает суперкоррозионной стойкостью.
- High strength and high wear resistance. High strength and high wear resistance are one of the characteristics of acid-resistant bricks.
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