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Бумага из керамического волокна/

Термостойкая бумага из керамического волокна

Преимущества продукта: Высокое качество и конкурентоспособная цена

Преимущество предложения: Полностью автоматическая интеллектуальная линия по производству огнеупоров

Сертификация: Мы были одобрены ISO9001/ISO14001.

Образец: Доступен образец тестирования

Послепродажное обслуживание: 7*24 часы оперативного онлайн-обслуживания клиентов, быстрая доставка по всему миру.

Кастомизация: Огнеупорные материалы и решения по индивидуальному заказу в соответствии с требованиями заказчика.

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Ceramic fiber paper in Rongsheng Xinwei is a kind of heat insulation ceramic fiber product with excellent quality manufactured with a raw material of paper grade ceramic fiber with the lowest slag content through processes of pulping, deslagging, pulp mixed, fourdrinier forming, vacuum dewatering, сушка, cutting and rolling. Ceramic fiber paper has excellent high-temperature resistance and thermal insulation.

Ceramic fiber paper introduction

Ceramic fiber paper is a lightweight refractory material made by melting ore at high temperatures, spinning it into ceramic fibers, and then forming it through wet molding. Ceramic fiber paper has been widely used because of its superior performance.

Керамическая волоконно -бумажная бумага
Керамическая волоконно -бумажная бумага

Technical parameters of heat-resistant ceramic fiber paper

Температура классификации ℃10001260143015001600
Плотность объема(кг/м3)210210210160180
Скорость линейного %
℃×24 часа
Прочность на растяжение MPA0.50.650.70.60.6
Органический контент %108677
Теплопроводность Вт/(м·К)600℃
Ал2О3  %4246354070
SiO2  %54504458.128
ЗрО2  %//15.5//
Герметичный2О3  %///2.5/

Characteristics of ceramic fiber paper

ceramic fiber paper & felts
ceramic fiber paper & felts
  • High environmental safety, soluble and biodegradable
  • Soft texture, lower slag ball content;
  • Can resist far infrared radiation, lower thermal conductivity;
  • Better thermal stability; Heat resistance and heat preservation
  • Stronger resistance to chemical erosion;
  • Good resistance to thermal erosion;
  • Good strength can bear a certain weight; Low heat capacity;
  • Smooth appearance, precise size;
  • Easy to install and use; Can perform various mechanical processing, such as cutting and drilling.

Application of ceramic fiber paper

  1. Steel industry: expansion joints, backing insulation, insulation sheets, and mold insulation;
  2. Nonferrous metal industry: tundishes and launder covers, mostly used for casting copper or copper-containing alloys;
  3. Ceramic industry: lightweight kiln car structure and kiln hot surface lining, kiln temperature zone division,n and fireproof materials;
  4. Glass industry: melt pool backing insulation, burner block:
  5. Kiln construction: hot surface refractory materials (instead of blankets), backing expansion joints of heavy refractory materials;
  6. Light industry: linings of industrial boilers and household boiler combustion chambers;
  7. Wall linings and backing materials for high-temperature reactions and heating equipment.
Ceramic fiber product packaging
Ceramic fiber product packaging


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    1. Heike, Bernhardt

      Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

      zum neu Abdichten unseres Substratofens bin ich auf der Suche nach hitzebeständigem Keramikfaserpapier. Daher meine Frage an sie, welche Materialstärken und Größen haben sie in ihrem Sortiment.

      Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

      Heike Bernhardt