- 2024-01-27 Selection of magnesite carbon brick binder
- 2024-01-24 Mag carbon bricks production process introduction
- 2024-01-15 Construction methods of heat-insulating refractory castables
- 2024-01-12 Semi-silica refractory brick introduction
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- 2023-11-27 Refractory materials for oxy-combustion glass kiln
- 2023-11-24 Effect of different graphite content on magnesia carbon refractory bricks
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- 2023-11-07 Fused α-β corundum brick characteristics
- 2023-10-28 Einführung in Suspensionsvorwärmer und feuerfeste Materialien für Zementöfen
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- 2023-10-19 Was sind die Hauptverwendungszwecke von feuerfesten Keramikplatten??
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