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Изделия из керамического волокна/

High Temperature Calcium Silicate Board

The main raw materials of calcium silicate board are calcium hydroxide and quartz sand. The operating temperature can reach 1050℃. It has the characteristics of high-temperature resistance, good thermal insulation, high strength, and long life. It is widely used in cement kilns, металлургия, электроэнергия, и другие поля. high-temperature calcium silicate board Physical and chemical indicators of calcium silicate board Calcium Silicate ProductsRS-CS650RS-CS1000Density(KG/M3)170/220/280170/220/240Compressive strength(MPa)≥0.35≥0.35Thermal conductivity (average temperature 70 ℃) W/m.k 0.052 0.048Maximum temperature(℃)6501000Linear shrinkage(%) ≤2(650,3hrs) ≤2(1000,3hrs)It can be processed into a shell and tube or curved panels according to customer requirements. Characteristics of calcium silicate board Good thermal insulation performance: The calcium silicate board has a very low thermal conductivity, which can keep the internal temperature stable, helping enterprises save energy reduce consumption, и…

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The main raw materials of calcium silicate board are calcium hydroxide and quartz sand. The operating temperature can reach 1050℃. It has the characteristics of high-temperature resistance, good thermal insulation, high strength, and long life. It is widely used in cement kilns, металлургия, электроэнергия, и другие поля.

high temperature calcium silicate board
high-temperature calcium silicate board

Physical and chemical indicators of calcium silicate board

Calcium Silicate ProductsRS-CS650RS-CS1000
Compressive strength(MPa)≥0.35≥0.35
Теплопроводность (average temperature 70 ℃) W/m.k 
Maximum temperature(℃)6501000
Linear shrinkage(%) 
It can be processed into a shell and tube or curved panels according to customer requirements.

Characteristics of calcium silicate board

  • Good thermal insulation performance: The calcium silicate board has a very low thermal conductivity, which can keep the internal temperature stable, helping enterprises save energy reduce consumption, and save costs!
  • Low loss in transportation and construction: Calcium silicate board has high strength and is not easy to break during cutting and construction!
  • Long life: The calcium silicate board has unchanged performance in high-temperature environments for a long time, and its service life is also longer!

Calcium silicate board application

application of high temperature calcium silicate boards
application of high temperature calcium silicate boards
  1. High-temperature kilns: furnace linings (steelmaking furnaces, электрические печи, heat treatment furnaces, chemical reactors, boilers, ceramic furnaces, cement furnaces, и т. д.).
  2. Building fire protection: building walls, roofs, partitions, firewalls, fire doors, fire shutters, и т. д..
  3. High-temperature pipelines include high-temperature steam pipelines, hot air pipelines, oil refining pipelines, hot oil pipelines, and insulation pipelines.

О нас

Calcium silicate board delivery
Calcium silicate board delivery

We are a refractory company in China, producing refractory materials for high-temperature kilns, including огнеупорный кирпич, теплоизоляционные материалы, и monolithic refractory materials. We have rich export experience in refractory and thermal insulation materials. The factory has been established for 20 years. If you need to make a purchase, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами.



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