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Корундовый кирпич/

Плавленый корундовый кирпич

Преимущества продукта: Высокое качество и конкурентоспособная цена Преимущество предложения: Сертификация полностью автоматической интеллектуальной линии по производству огнеупоров: Мы были одобрены образцом ISO9001/ISO14001.: Образец тестирования доступен послепродажное обслуживание: 7*24 часы оперативного онлайн-обслуживания клиентов, быстрая доставка по всему миру. Кастомизация: Огнеупорные материалы и решения по индивидуальному заказу в соответствии с требованиями заказчика.

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Fused corundum bricks are made by melting alumina in an electric arc furnace and casting it into a model of a specified specific shape. After annealing and heat preservation, the required product is obtained by processing with diamond abrasive tools.

Introduction to three types of fused corundum bricks

  • Fused α-corundum brick is mainly composed of α-Al2О3, which has high-temperature resistance, strong alkali resistance, compact structure, excellent chemical stability, strong wear resistance, and is far more resistant to various slags than other aluminum silicates. It is an ideal material for metallurgical electrolytic cells and sliding rail bricks for heating furnaces.
  • Fused β-corundum bricks are mainly composed of β- Ал2О3, with dense structure and strong spalling resistance, especially showing extremely high corrosion resistance to strong alkali vapor, no pollution to molten glass, and are used for upper structures with less glass raw materials scattered.
  • Fused α-β corundum brick is composed of about 50% of α- Ал2Оand β- Ал2О3. The two crystals interlace to form a dense structure, which has excellent alkali resistance, and the corrosion resistance of molten glass is comparable to that of AZS bricks and does not pollute the glass liquid. , Mainly used for high-grade glass furnaces working pool walls and pavement, forehearth and passage, и т. д..

Technical Parameter of Fused Corundum Brick

Fused Cast α Corundum BricksFused Cast β Corundum BricksFused Cast α-β Corundum Bricks
Ал2О3  %989294.0
НА2О %
SiO2+CaO+Fe2О3+TiO2  %≤1,0≤1,5≤2.0
α-Corundum %90244
β-Corundum %49755
Glass Phase %611
Объемная плотность (Dense part)  г/см33.33.13.3
Прочность на холодное дробление МПа20050200
0.2Mpa Refractoriness Under Load ℃17001700/
Static Resistance To Liquid Glass Erosion Depth mm/24h Ordinary Soda Lime Glass 1350℃×48h//0.3

fused corundum bricks
fused corundum bricks




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