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Křemičitá cihla/

Fused Silica Brick

Výhody produktu: Vysoká kvalita a konkurenceschopná cena

Zásobovací výhoda: Plně automatická inteligentní žáruvzdorná výrobní linka

Osvědčení: Jsme schváleni ISO9001/ISO14001

Ochutnat: Sample testing is available

After Sales Service: 7*24 hodiny reagující zákaznický online servis, rychlá doručovací služba po celém světě.

Přizpůsobení: Zakázkové žáruvzdorné materiály a řešení dle požadavků zákazníka.

  • Podrobnosti o produktu
  • Dotaz

Fused silica brick is also called zero-expansion silica brick or thermal shock-resistant silica brick. They have extremely low thermal expansion coefficient, excellent resistance to rapid cooling and rapid heating, and good high-temperature performance. They are widely used in the rapid repair of various coke ovens.

fused silica brick
fused silica brick

Parameter of fused silica brick

ItemFused Silica Brick
SiO2 ( %)                                                     ≥98
Al2O3 ( %)                                                   ≤0.3
Fe2O3( %)                                                 ≤0.5
CaO( %)                                                   ≤0.2
Bulk Density (g/cm3)                             ≥1.8
Apparent Porosity ( %)                       ≤20
Cold Crushing Strength(Mpa)                               ≥30

Advantages of fused silica bricks

  1. Fused silica bricks are of high purity and corrosion resistance
  2. The thermal expansion coefficient of fused silica bricks is small
  3. The thermal shock resistance of fused silica bricks is low
  4. Fused silica bricks have high viscosity at high temperatures, high strength, strong slag resistance, strong impact resistance, nízká tepelná vodivost, and small shrinkage during drying and firing.
fused silica bricks
fused silica bricks



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