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Hliněné izolační cihly/

Light Weight Clay Brick

Výhody produktu: Vysoká kvalita a konkurenceschopná cena

Zásobovací výhoda: Plně automatická inteligentní žáruvzdorná výrobní linka

Osvědčení: Jsme schváleni ISO9001/ISO14001

Ochutnat: Ukázkové testování je k dispozici

Po prodejní službě: 7*24 hodiny reagující zákaznický online servis, rychlá doručovací služba po celém světě.

Přizpůsobení: Zakázkové žáruvzdorné materiály a řešení dle požadavků zákazníka.

  • Podrobnosti o produktu
  • Dotaz

Light weight clay brick is a high-temperature insulation refractory material. It is made by using refractory clay clinker as raw material, plasticized clay as a binder, and adding a suitable amount of combustibles or foaming agent, widely used as inner lining brick of industry kilns walls, and furnaces.

clay insulation brick
clay insulation brick

Technical parameter of light thermal insulation clay brick

BD g/cm3≤1.310.80.50.3
CCS Mpa≥86421
PLC ℃14001350125011501100
TCS W/m.k0.550.40.350.250.18
average temperature(350℃±25℃)≤

Features of lightweight clay bricks

lightweight clay bricks
lightweight clay bricks
  1. Low thermal conductivity, good thermal insulation effect.
  2. Low thermal melt. Due to low thermal conductivity, mullite series lightweight insulation bricks accumulate very little heat energy, and the energy-saving effect is obvious during intermittent operation.
  3. High refractoriness and high aluminum content enable it to perform well under a reducing atmosphere.
  4. High hot compressive strength.
  5. Accurate appearance dimensions speed up the masonry work, reduce the use of refractory mud, ensure the strength and stability of the masonry, and extend the life of the lining.
  6. Can be processed into special shapes. To reduce the number of bricks and joints.

Application of light weight clay brick

Light weight clay brick has a wide range of applications. They are mainly used in thermal insulation layers of thermal equipment and industrial kilns. They can be used in areas that are not corroded and eroded by strong high-temperature molten materials. Some surfaces in direct contact with flames are coated with a refractory layer—coating to reduce corrosion by slag and erosion by furnace gas soot, reducing damage. The working temperature of the product does not exceed the experimental temperature of the burning line change.

Rongsheng refractory factory

refractory factory brick
refractory factory brick

Rongsheng has three refractory material factories, including two refractory brick production plants and one unshaped refractory material factory, ensuring that refractory materials can be delivered on time.


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