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Batu Bata Magnesit/

Magnesia Chrome Brick

Keunggulan produk: Kualitas tinggi dan harga yang kompetitif
Keuntungan pasokan: Lini produksi refraktori cerdas yang sepenuhnya otomatis
Sertifikasi: Kami telah disetujui oleh ISO9001/ISO14001
Sampel: Pengujian sampel tersedia
Layanan purna jual: 7*24 jam layanan online pelanggan yang responsif, layanan pengiriman cepat ke seluruh dunia.
Kustomisasi: Bahan dan solusi tahan api yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan pelanggan.

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  • Pertanyaan

Ordinary Magnesia Chrome Brick
Magnesia-chrome bricks have the characteristics of high refractoriness, strong corrosion resistance to alkaline slag, good thermal stability, certain adaptability to acid slag, and resistance to spalling.

Directly Bonded Magnesia Chrome Brick
Directly bonded magnesia-chrome bricks have few impurities, and the crystal phase is directly combined with the crystal phase. It has the characteristics of low porosity, high compressive strength, strong wear resistance, corrosion resistance, thermal shock resistance, and spalling resistance.
Physical and chemical indicators

Fused Semi-Recombined Magnesia Chrome Brick
Semi-recombined magnesia-chrome bricks are dense, have low porosity, high-temperature strength, better thermal shock resistance than recombined magnesia-chrome bricks, and have strong slag erosion resistance.

Fused Recombined Magnesia Chrome Brick
Fused recombined magnesia-chrome brick is a high-grade product with excellent corrosion resistance, and its high-temperature performance is between that of fused cast magnesia-chrome brick and sintered magnesia-chrome brick.

Parameter of magnesia chrome brick



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