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Mangan Silikon Nitrida/

High-performance Manganese Silicon Nitride

Keunggulan produk: Kualitas tinggi dan harga yang kompetitif
Keuntungan pasokan: Lini produksi refraktori cerdas yang sepenuhnya otomatis
Sertifikasi: Kami telah disetujui oleh ISO9001/ISO14001
Sampel: Pengujian sampel tersedia
Layanan purna jual: 7*24 jam layanan online pelanggan yang responsif, layanan pengiriman cepat ke seluruh dunia.
Kustomisasi: Bahan dan solusi tahan api yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan pelanggan.

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Description of High-performance Manganese Silicon Nitride

Silicon nitride manganese is mainly composed of Si3N4 and Mn5N2. Silicon-manganese nitride is mainly used as nitrogen-increasing agent for oriented Silicon Steel, high strength steel, stainless steel and cast steel. The nitrogen of manganese is easy to be decomposed into molten steel, the recovery of nitrogen is high, the fluctuation range of n in Molten Steel is small, and the strengthening cost is low.

Technical Parameter of High-performance Manganese Silicon Nitride


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