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Bata Silikon Karbida/

Silicon Carbide Refractory Brick

Keunggulan produk: Kualitas tinggi dan harga yang kompetitif

Keuntungan pasokan: Lini produksi refraktori cerdas yang sepenuhnya otomatis

Sertifikasi: We have been approved by ISO9001/ISO14001 Sample: Pengujian sampel tersedia

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Ada apa:008618638759011

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Our factory supplies high-quality silicon carbide refractory brick. Silicon carbide brick is a high-grade refractory made of SiC as the main raw material. It has a series of excellent properties, such as high strength at room temperature and high temperature, high thermal conductivity, small linear expansion coefficient, good thermal shock resistance, excellent high-temperature abrasion resistance, strong chemical corrosion resistance, dll.. It has been widely used in the fields of iron and steel, colored metallurgy, chemistry, listrik, ceramics, and aerospace.

Silicon carbide brick
Silicon carbide brick

Silicon carbide brick types

Silicon carbide bricks can be divided into oxide bonding (clay bonding, mullite bonding, SiO2 bonding), nitride bonding (Si3N4 bonding, Sialon bonding), and self-bonding according to the bonding mode( β- SiC bonded and recrystallized silicon carbide) and siliconized reaction sintered silicon carbide bricks.

Technique Data of silicon carbide brick

silicon carbide bricks of different shapes
silicon carbide bricks of different shapes

(1)Oxide Bonded Silicon Carbide Brick

Clay Bonded SiCMullite Bonded SiCSiOBonded SiC
SiC %>85>70≥90
Kepadatan Massal g/cm32.5~2.62.55~2.652.6~2.7
Apparent Porosity %≤20≤16≤15
CCS MPa≥100≥100≥120
CMOR MPa≥20≥25≥25
Thermal Expansion Coefficient℃-1 20~1000℃4.6×10-64.6×10-64.7×10-6
Thermal Conductivity W/(m·K) 1000℃≥11≥11≥13

(2)Nitride Bonded Silicon Carbide Brick

Si3N4 Bonded SiCSi3N4 Bonded SiCSialon Bonded SiC
SiC %≥70≥72≥71
Si3N4  %≥20≥20/
N %//≥5.5
Al2HAI3  %//≥5
Fe2HAI3  %≤1.0≤0,7≤0,7
Kepadatan Massal g/cm3≥2.60≥2.65≥2.65
Apparent Porosity %≤18≤16≤16
CMOR MPa≥40≥45≥45
HMOR MPa 1400℃≥40≥45≥45
CCS MPa≥150≥160≥150
Thermal Conductivity W/(m·K) 1000℃≥15.5≥16/

(3)Self-bonding Silicon Carbide Brick

β-SiC Bonded SiCRecrystallized SiC
SiC %≥94≥99
Kepadatan Massal g/cm3≥2.63≥2.65
Apparent Porosity %≤17≤15
CMOR MPa≥30≥90
HMOR MPa 1400℃≥30≥90
CCS MPa≥140≥300
Thermal Expansion Coefficient ℃-1 20~1000℃5.5×10-64.8×10-6
Thermal Conductivity W/(m·K) 1000℃≥12≥20

(4)SiSiC Brick

SiC %≥80
Si %12~18
Kepadatan Massal g/cm3≥3.0
Apparent Porosity %≤0,5
CMOR MPa≥220
HMOR MPa 1400℃≥240
CCS MPa≥800
Thermal Expansion Coefficient ℃-1  20~1000℃4.5×10-6
Thermal Conductivity W/(m·K) 1000℃≥40

Silicon carbide brick application

high-quality silicon carbide refractory brick manufacturer
high-quality silicon carbide refractory brick manufacturer

Silicon carbide bricks are refractory materials made of SiC as the main raw material. Containing SiC72%~99%. It is divided into clay-bonded, Si3N4 bonded, Sialon bonded, β-SiC bonded, Si2ON2 bonded, and recrystallized silicon carbide bricks. Silicon carbide bricks have high thermal conductivity and good wear resistance, thermal shock resistance, and corrosion resistance. It can be used for aluminum electrolytic cell linings, molten aluminum conduits and kiln furniture for ceramic kilns, lower parts of large and medium-sized blast furnaces, waists and belly, aluminum refining furnace linings, zinc distillation tank linings, dll..



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