Stadt Zhengzhou, China – Rongsheng Xinwei, ein führender Hersteller von hochleistungsfähigen Feuerfestmaterialien, hat eine neue Generation von feuerfesten Steinen mit hohem Aluminiumoxidgehalt für die Ofenauskleidung eingeführt. The new product line is designed to offer exceptional performance and durability in high-temperature environments and is expected to meet the demands of various industries, such as steel, cement, and glass.

The new high-alumina refractory bricks are made of premium-quality raw materials, such as bauxite, Korund, and high-purity alumina, ensuring superior mechanical strength and resistance to abrasion, corrosion, and thermal shock. The product line includes several types of high-alumina refractory bricks, wie dichte Ziegel, leichte Ziegelsteine, und Isolierziegel, die für unterschiedliche Anwendungen und Betriebsbedingungen geeignet sind.
Rongsheng Xinwei’s new high-alumina refractory bricks are expected to become the preferred choice for furnace lining in high-temperature environments, offering exceptional performance, durability, and efficiency.
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