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Lev3 High Alumina Brick Introduction

Lev3 high alumina brick is one of the common refractory materials, التي تتشكل والكالسيوم من البوكسيت أو غيرها من المواد الخام مع محتوى ألومينا عالي.

ليف 3 من الطوب ألومينا
ليف 3 من الطوب ألومينا

Characteristics of grade 3 high alumina bricks

  1. Chemical composition: AI203 content should be between 50% و 70%, Si02 content should be below 30%
  2. الكثافة الظاهرية: should be above 2.20 g/cm’.
  3. المسامية الظاهرة: should be below 22%.
  4. Normal temperature compressive strength: should be above 40MPa.
  5. تحميل درجة حرارة تليين: should be above 1350’C.
  6. مقاومة الصدمة الحرارية: should be above 10 times.
  7. Thermal expansion coefficient: should be below 5.0×10-6/ج.
high alumina brick
high alumina brick

Application of Lev3 high alumina brick

  • Used for lining blast furnaces, hot blast furnaces, electric furnace roofs, blast furnaces, reverberatory furnaces, and rotary furnaces.
  • Refractory heat expansion rate is small, not easy to deform, neatly formed
  • Carefully selected materials insist on quality first, preferred materials are durable
  • The clay is very pure and fine, has high density, is not easy to wear on the surface, has high-temperature resistance, قوة ضغط عالية, high load softening temperature, high-temperature volume, stability, and deformation performance are excellent
Lev3 high alumina bricks
Lev3 high alumina bricks



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