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Bảng silicat canxi nhiệt độ cao

The main raw materials of calcium silicate board are calcium hydroxide and quartz sand. The operating temperature can reach 1050℃. It has the characteristics of high-temperature resistance, good thermal insulation, high strength, and long life. It is widely used in cement kilns, luyện kim, electric power, and other fields. high-temperature calcium silicate board Physical and chemical indicators of calcium silicate board Calcium Silicate ProductsRS-CS650RS-CS1000Density(KG/M3)170/220/280170/220/240Compressive strength(MPa)≥0.35≥0.35Thermal conductivity (average temperature 70 oC) W/m.k 0.052 0.048Maximum temperature(℃)6501000Linear shrinkage(%) ≤2(650,3hrs) ≤2(1000,3hrs)It can be processed into a shell and tube or curved panels according to customer requirements. Characteristics of calcium silicate board Good thermal insulation performance: The calcium silicate board has a very low thermal conductivity, which can keep the internal temperature stable, helping enterprises save energy reduce consumption, Và…

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The main raw materials of calcium silicate board are calcium hydroxide and quartz sand. The operating temperature can reach 1050℃. It has the characteristics of high-temperature resistance, good thermal insulation, high strength, and long life. It is widely used in cement kilns, luyện kim, electric power, and other fields.

high temperature calcium silicate board
high-temperature calcium silicate board

Physical and chemical indicators of calcium silicate board

Calcium Silicate ProductsRS-CS650RS-CS1000
Compressive strength(MPa)≥0.35≥0.35
Dẫn nhiệt (average temperature 70 oC) W/m.k 
Maximum temperature(℃)6501000
Linear shrinkage(%) 
It can be processed into a shell and tube or curved panels according to customer requirements.

Characteristics of calcium silicate board

  • Good thermal insulation performance: The calcium silicate board has a very low thermal conductivity, which can keep the internal temperature stable, helping enterprises save energy reduce consumption, and save costs!
  • Low loss in transportation and construction: Calcium silicate board has high strength and is not easy to break during cutting and construction!
  • Long life: The calcium silicate board has unchanged performance in high-temperature environments for a long time, and its service life is also longer!

Calcium silicate board application

application of high temperature calcium silicate boards
application of high temperature calcium silicate boards
  1. High-temperature kilns: furnace linings (steelmaking furnaces, electric furnaces, heat treatment furnaces, chemical reactors, boilers, ceramic furnaces, cement furnaces, vân vân.).
  2. Building fire protection: building walls, roofs, partitions, firewalls, fire doors, fire shutters, vân vân.
  3. High-temperature pipelines include high-temperature steam pipelines, hot air pipelines, oil refining pipelines, hot oil pipelines, and insulation pipelines.

Về chúng tôi

Calcium silicate board delivery
Calcium silicate board delivery

We are a refractory company in China, producing refractory materials for high-temperature kilns, including Gạch chịu lửa, vật liệu cách nhiệt, Và monolithic refractory materials. We have rich export experience in refractory and thermal insulation materials. The factory has been established for 20 years. If you need to make a purchase, please contact us.

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