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Yüksek Alümina Yalıtım Tuğlası/

Light Weight High Alumina Insulation Brick

Ürün avantajları: Yüksek kalite ve rekabetçi fiyat

arz avantajı: Tam otomatik akıllı refrakter üretim hattı

Sertifikasyon: ISO9001/ISO14001 tarafından onaylandık

Örnek: Numune testi mevcuttur

Satış sonrası servis: 7*24 saat yanıt veren müşteri çevrimiçi hizmeti, dünya çapında hızlı teslimat hizmeti.

özelleştirme: Müşteri gereksinimlerine göre özelleştirilmiş refrakter malzemeler ve çözümler.

  • Ürün Detayları
  • Sorgu

Lightweight high alumina insulation brick, also called High alumina lightweight brick, the alumina content is above 48%, and the major crystalline phase is mullitecorundum, and glass phase. Build density between 0.4~1.35g/cm3, cold crushing strength between 1-8 MPa. It has the characteristics of high service temperature, low impurity content, yüksek sıcaklık dayanımı, and good heat insulation performance.

 high alumina insulation brick
high alumina insulation brick

Technical parameter of lightweight high alumina insulation brick

Al2Ö3  %≥48
Fe2Ö3  %≤2
Yığın Yoğunluğu g/cm3≤1.2≤1.0≤0.8≤0.7≤0.6≤0.5
Cold Crush Strength,MPa≥4.5≥3,5≥2.5≥2.2≥1.6≥1.2
Permanent Linear Change Rate,%1400℃×12h
Termal iletkenlik w/(M · K)

Application fields of lightweight high alumina bricks

Widely used in ceramic tunnel kilns, roller kilns, shuttle kilns, steel industry coking furnaces, and other thermal equipment. Mainly used for lining and insulation in areas not subject to strong erosion by high-temperature melts. When in direct contact with flame, the surface contact temperature shall not be higher than 1350℃.

Lightweight high alumina bricks shipping

high alumina insulation brick
high alumina insulation brick

Rongsheng high alumina brick factory

Lightweight high alumina brick size inspection
lightweight high alumina brick size inspection

Rongsheng is a refractory material factory that supports customizing refractory bricks of different shapes and aluminum contents. Only high-aluminum insulation bricks that meet the standards can be packaged and transported. Please feel free to contact us if needed.


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